How to automatically delete all Posts from FB Timeline

Hello guys, Today I'm going to tell you how you can delete all posts from your Facebook timeline.
If you have lots of posts on your Facebook  timeline and you want to delete them all, you are at the right place.

For Chrome Users

For Chrome users there is an extension available in chrome store named as 'Facebook - Delete My Timeline'.
1. Download and install it.
2. Log-in into that Facebook account and navigate to profile.
3. The page action icon will appear! If you click it, you will be prompted to delete all posts. Select yes, that it.

For Firefox Users

For Firefox users there is an add-on available also named as 'Facebook - Delete My Timeline'.

1. Download and install it.
2. Press ALT (for toolbar) and click Tools.
3. Click add-on button then you will promoted to all visible pots have been deleted press OK and that's it.

Enjoy and keep visiting...