The best and popular monetization way for any website or blog is advertising. This is simple and easy method is very efficient. The process involves simple copy and paste activities of the code. Stick with the key advertising networks to get satisfied earnings. Behind these advantages, some web bloggers experienced the less money making with their advertisements on the website. If the site has fewer monthly visitors, then there is no chance to boost the earning of the website via advertisements. Here is a definite set of tips to maximize the website earnings.
1. In-text advertising
Infolinks, the world leader offers the best recommendation In-text advertising network. For In-text advertising, they have bounty of advertisers to work with and to offer reliable payment after you started to earn money.
2. Inventory Usage
The best online number game is making money via advertising. More the number of impressions on the banners, more the money you can make online. To maximize the earnings of the website, make sure to display the ads on the every page of the website. There are some sites that display ads on single web page, leaving other category, archive and home page. It is just like leaving in the money in the table that is of nearer distance.
3. Sell own ads as well
4. Multiple Tests
- To make the ad attractive and to earn high.
- Display a banner above or below the content of the post.
- Align the banner to the left or right of the website.
- Use preferable White or dark background.
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