Sticky Notes is an application included in Windows 7 and Windows 8. It was present in Windows Vista as a gadget for the Windows Sidebar, and originated in Windows XP Tablet Edition in 2002. The program allows users to take notes using Post-it note-like windows on their desktop.
Most of the Windows users has the habit of storing their passwords or any other important stuff to be stored as sticky notes.
Getting Started:
Backup Sticky Notes

NOTE: If there is an existing sticky notes, then that will be lost and replaced by the previous sticky notes.
NOTE: If there is any StickyNotes.snt file available, just click Copy and Replace.
Run Sticky Notes Application on Your Windows PC and you’ll find all the sticky notes restored from your backup.
Getting Started:
Backup Sticky Notes
- Head over to My Computer or simply press Windows key + E.
- Just copy the below code on the address bar of the Windows Explorer.
%AppData%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes

Just copy the backup file of Sticky Notes “StickyNotes.snt” and store it on any desired location.
NOTE: StickyNotes.snt file is a sticky notes backup file and so keep it in a safe location as it is needed for restoring the sticky notes.
- Open your Sticky Notes software on your PC and close it, so that it runs in background [it wont close unless we close it manually from the task bar]
NOTE: If there is an existing sticky notes, then that will be lost and replaced by the previous sticky notes.
- Copy this code and paste it on address bar on the Windows Explorer so that you will be directed to the sticky notes backup folder.
%AppData%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes
- Now you need to provide the backup file here which you already took backup.
- Copy the StickyNotes.snt file from where you took back up and paste it here.
NOTE: If there is any StickyNotes.snt file available, just click Copy and Replace.
Run Sticky Notes Application on Your Windows PC and you’ll find all the sticky notes restored from your backup.
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