Let Me Go Step By Step And Show How You Can Get To Know Who Created Yours Or Someone Else’s Fake ID On Facebook. First of all you need to know the IP address of that user who created your fake ID. So here are the steps to know the IP address of that person:
2- Once you have pinged that person and chat is on open Command Prompt (start- >run- >cmd)
3- When the command prompt opens type the command mentioned below and press enter netstat -an
4- You will be able to see all established connections IP addresses there. Ignore the one’s that start with 127* as well as 0*. Rest (Not more than 1 or 2) of the IP are suspicious. Note down these IP address.
5- Now once you have noted down the IP address open this website:
You can zoom in and try to know the exact area in the map. If there’s anything serious you can contact ISP and ask them about everything you want to know. Enjoy...